
Thursday, 22 August 2013

I'm 23!

As the title suggests, I'm 23.

This year, as everyone was doing different things it was a bit difficult to arrange a time to all get together. So instead of one birthday event. I had 3 :D Greedy, I know. This year I'm not really doing anything with my friends as I'm working at the weekend and everybody works in the week.

First Event! Whole Family :D

My parents, my brother, his fiancée, the dogs and I went to Temple Newsome a few weeks ago and it was lovely.

Just before we parted ways, we made a plan to go out to eat the next week and as everyone was busy over my birthday I suggested that we made it my birthday meal. So asked my oldest brother and his girlfriend to attend, as well as Mike who was coming to visit for the week.

We went to Eastern Court Chinese. I love Chinese and it was really nice. It was A la Carte but you got to choose as many dishes as you wanted off the menu. I ate so much! It was great! :D

The dishes are cooked to order which was nice, that's the only thing wrong with buffets. It could be sat there for a while and this way it so much better. I had so much duck and pancakes :D.

Here's their menu: Eastern Court

I was feeling a bit down because it was short notice I didn't get a cake so after we finished at the restaurant, my mum asked my brother to go get me a cake. I'm a brat but I don't care it was a nice cake :D

There's also pictures of the cake with Jacinta and Katie as it's theirs are around my birthday as well.

Second Event! Mike :D

As Mike started his new job on the 19th and my birthday is on the 22nd, I couldn't see him on my actual birthday :(. However, I got to see him the week before, from Monday evening to Friday morning, it was great! I normally only get to see him for a couple of days, if that. The longest I've spent with him lately was in February.

He turned up Monday evening and on Tuesday I was asking him what we were doing and he told me that we were going to go indoor surfing at Xscape on Wednesday morning. I had mentioned doing it a few months beforehand so I was looking forward to it. However, I was a bit apprehensive at being watched by other people. I loved it! Mike was better at the bodyboarding but I was better at surfing! Mike couldn't stay on the surfboard ha! I think I enjoyed it better than indoor skydiving as it was more involved and you got a few turns on the water. It's easy to pick up and I would definitely do it again :D. After that we had a quick lunch in Frankie and Bennies and then went to see Kick Ass 2, not as good as the first one but still OK.
He also bought me a charm for my Pandora bracelet. He's a good egg. :D

Here's the website: Flow House

Third Event! My Birthday!

On my actual birthday I had a day with my mum. My parents woke me up and gave me my cards and a few gifts to open. My mum bought me a pasta maker and left the price on, standard! And gave me a bar of galaxy chocolate that she got from the fridge. Lol! She's a weird one. Ha! I got a bit of money and a few gift cards.

We first went to get our nails done. It took ages! We were waiting for an hour before we were even seated. Oh well. Then caught the train into York and headed to Betty's Tea Room. It's a cute, old fashioned tea room in York which I pass all the time but have never been to. It was lovely with the staff dressed in long black shirts, blouses and pinnies. We didn't go for the Afternoon Tea because I don't like the sandwiches so we had a small breakfast, a citron torte with a pot of tea. It was quite pretentious but I enjoyed it. I wouldn't go there all the time as I think it's nice for special occasions.

Here's the website: Bettys

We went shopping and I got a new Pandora Bracelet and a safety chain and clip to go on it. Also spent all my birthday money. I decided not to save it this year. I wanted new stuff :D
Before my dad arrived to join us for some food, my mum and I went to Vodka Revolution for 2-4-1 cocktails. I even blagged a free one for my birthday :D.
We got something to eat at a little pub and went home.

Overall, I've loved my birthday this year :D Feel very spoilt and very grateful for the things I do with the people that love me :D
