OK I've come home for a bit, to try and get some work done before my deadlines next week. However, I've come home at the worst time ever. My dad is 60 on Saturday and for his birthday my mum has been organising a huge party for him. Woo party! Woo free alcohol! It's not all sunshine and rainbows here though. I'm sure it'll be amazing on the night and will be good to see people who I haven't seen in many years. However, endless phone calls off said people is getting tiring. I haven't spoken to these people in such a long time that I don't really recognise their voices and spend half the duration of the call trying to figure out who it is. The first caller was only recognised 2 mins before the end of the call by mentioning a name that I remembered. I did pull it off pretty well that I didn't actually know it is was though. Go me! :) But now it's happening more and more. Also they decide to ask me questions about the party of which I have no idea of the answer.
Where am I sleeping?
What's the dress code?
Do you need bedding?
Are all questions for my mum, not me. My guess work is pretty good though and I seem to give the right answer when I ask my mum the same questions. Though I do tell the callers that they will have to call again to ask my mum to confirm. :p
Also my mum is getting pretty stressed out about it. I feel sorry for her and I am trying to help. I've even given up my bed for the night and Mike, Jon, Katie and I are sleeping in the caravan for the night :|
Woopie! Oh well. :p
My mum has a mattress in her room for the time being and today whilst trying to run for the phone I tripped over the plastic cover to it and almost headbutted the window. :/ :p I picked the phone up laughing to myself about it because it almost certainly would have looked hilarious to see by someone else. On the phone was my dad. I risked life and limb to tell him my mum had gone out. :| typical.
One further thing that I'm not going to look forward to is the meet and greet of old friends and the very repetitive phase of "I haven't seen you in years! Look at you!" that I know will be coming my way over and over again. I might make a handout to tell people that "I'm a 2nd year student at Sheffield Hallam studying criminology and psychology. Yes it is a good course but does have it's boring parts. I'm looking to be either a social worker or an A level psychology tutor." Just so I don't get bored of my own voice repeating these statements. Ha! It's going to be a great night though. Really looking forward to it :D My mum has told me I'm not allowed to get too drunk though 'cos she doesn't want me being sick in the caravan. :p Oh dear
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